3 September 2018

Ad News Lessons in Leadership

Event Program

Keynote speaker

To be announced


Session One: “3 CEOs: 3 Paths to Success”


Speakers: Willie Pang, CEO MediaCom; Jaimes Leggett, CEO M&C Saatchi, Melinda Geertz, CEO Leo Burnett. Moderator: AdNews editor, Pippa Chambers


There are several ladders that lead to the c-suite, and indeed, the coveted CEO position. Not everyone climbs those ladders in the same. We will hear from the three of our industry’s most senior leaders on their rise to the top; what leadership means to them; whether there are any tricks they can impart to those mid-way up the ladder, as well as the benefits and of course, downfalls, to taking on a place of such responsibility. We will also hear why it is vital to build the right team, and why decisions aren’t always based on the most obvious factors.


Special session: “The leadership lessons I learned from my sporting heroes”.

Delivered by: Ben McCallum, GM of MediaCom, Sydney.

Ben leads a team of hundreds of people and takes his role very seriously indeed. Saying that, those who know him will also tell you he takes sport very seriously too. Growing up a Manchester United fan, he often took his cues from Alex Ferguson, but there’s plenty more sporting inspiration where he came from. This special 20 minute session will see Ben take us through the lessons he learned from his chosen titans of sport.


Session Two: What a Leader of the future looks like – showcasing three AdNews-listed Emerging Leaders

In September 2018, AdNews will publish for the first time a list of Emerging Leaders – those 30 people who stand out in our industry and are on the cusp of leading their organisations in the near future. We will draw three of those people randomly from a hat to appear at this event, where they will be asked to talk about what leadership means to them, and whether leadership as a discipline is likely to change in the next decade to 20 years. This session will be moderated by MediaCom Global Executive Creative DirectorGemma Hunter.


Video special: One retired CEO reveals a working life’s lessons

More details to be confirmed soon


Closing session: What headhunters and recruiters look for in a Leader.

Speakers confirmed to-date include: Simon Hadfield, Hourigan International; Patrick Flaherty, Scout and Luke Achterstraat, Commtract.


It’s foremost in the minds of all attendees: how do you land a position in the c-suite, or the top job itself? What is it that sets a CV apart? And what are companies in our industry looking for nowadays? Are there ways to prepare yourself better for a climb to the top? And once you’re there, how do you find the next level up?


For more information, click here!


Ref: Adnews
