JAFAC – Just Another Fk!ng Agile Conference

Coming back to Auckland 28-29 April, 2017!
It’s a conference and an unconference. It’s two days of speakers mixed with Open Space sessions, where you set the agenda and the conversation takes a deep dive into the key topics and issues that you want to talk about. It’s about exploring Agile. Pushing the boundaries of where Agile can be. In different industries, and across organisations. Looking inside and outside the realm of technology and seeing where there are possibilities.
This isn't a huge thing, numbers are limited to 100. But we know the impact of those 100 will be huge.
Interested? Get in and get your tickets already!
Who's speaking?
There will be a bunch of awesome people! We have tapped into our vast and amazing local talent, with a couple of Australians added into the mix. Recognising that we have some of the best right here in NZ, we will take advantage of our smallness and use the at-home connections that make us all shine on the world stage.
The range of speakers will help to extend the boundaries of our thinking, and to cross pollinate with different industries and disciplines.
We had overwhelmingly positive feedback about the diversity of speakers for #JAFAC in 2016. We are bringing more of the same wonder to JAFAC 2017!
What's in it for me?
You get to spend a couple of days indulging in Agile geekery, in learning new things and challenging all the things. You get to hang with like-minded people - and hang with different-minded people. You’ll get new ideas and inspiration and hear different perspectives. You’ll make new friends and rediscover old ones.
Can I speak?
If you haven't heard from us already then no, our speaker slate is full this year!
But if you’ve got great things to contribute, we can guarantee good conversation and there’s always the Open-space where you can propose a session you’d like to lead.
Sounds amazing - where do I sign up?
Earlybird tickets are now all gone, the regular price is $189+GST but tickets are going fast - get in quick!
Ref: www.jafac.nz