Pricing Creativity
Do you know the value of what your business creates?
Join Blair Enns, author of Pricing Creativity, in a FREE webinar as he talks about breaking the constraints of the billable hour and teaches you how to win new business without giving away work for free.
May 24th 2018, 9am NZST
In this FREE WEBINAR you will learn:
The Key Principles of Pricing Creativity
Innovative methods for structuring your engagements and crafting your proposals
How to reconcile agile development with value-based pricing
New ways to think about retainers
How to get paid for value instead of inputs or outputs
The proper use of retainers
How to move from 50-page decks to one-page proposals
How to untether from tracking and selling time
How to reconcile agile development with value pricing
How to have the value conversation with your clients
"You cannot be an effective pricer if you study pricing alone and eschew some of the complementary skills of selling and negotiating."
Blair Enns
The webinar addresses the key principles, rules and tips from Blair Enns' book, Pricing Creativity. Blair is an accomplished, and provocative speaker who strives to deliver a presentation that leaves a wake of lively debate long after the event has ended.
By attending this webinar, you will learn how to have the value conversation and move your business financial model beyond the billable hour. You can accurately put a value on the quality of work you do, rather than the number of hours spent at your desk.
“You cannot be an effective pricer if you study pricing alone and eschew some of the complementary skills of selling and negotiating,” says Enns. “Most attempts at value-based pricing in creative firms fail for this reason.” That blended view of pricing, selling and negotiating is what Enns brings to the subject matter, but he is clear that none of these areas is where his true expertise lies. “More than pricing or selling, what I know is the creative mind and the peculiarities that make it difficult for that person to ask to be paid what they are worth.”
Blair Enns
Blair Enns is the founder of Win Without Pitching, a Canadian-based sales training and coaching organization for creative professionals. He is also the author Pricing Creativity: A Guide to Profit Beyond the Billable Hour, a guide that distils pricing theory into principles, rules, tips, and tools.
Blair travels the world to deliver seminars to creative organisations, with the aim to educate businesses on how value-based pricing can turn profits around.
